Monday, December 31, 2012

The new pages will be for pure introduction to my books. I will run book covers by the readers and see if they feel them, YAY OR NAY basically. Also from time to time instead of using my account of running my books by the steady readers I may start to post stories on here. Not completely decided on that idea yet...  
I must thank one of my favorite authors, Miss Sylvia Hubbard  for that idea @ . She does it all the time and I am an advocate reader of her books. So ya'll should definitely check her out because she is the full business if you desire some Urban Fiction with a little something something sprinkled on top. ENJOY!!!

Hard Decisions...

Like I have stated so many times writing is truly my outlet, I am really enjoying myself. Blah, blah, blah, blah... OK y'all might get tired of me saying that over and over again but it's the truth. Although I'm in love with that process, I am completely frustrated on the other hand because there are almost too many options to choose from to become published.

OK maybe I'm being too dramatic when I say frustrated and too many...

There's self-publishing vs. a publishing firm...

Ebook release vs. paper book release vs. all of the above...

Editing over and over again but that comes with the territory unless I want to pay big bucks to have it done professionally and it still not be done to my satisfaction...

Then there are the rules and guidelines (fine print) when you think you found the right place to sell your book through. UGGHHHH!!!!

All the places I have been to, the first catch phrase that is highlighted is hassle free, freedom to make all your own choices-own the right to sell how you see fit... but when I dig a little deeper I see those dreaded words that all add up to one word BUT, meaning BUT you can't do this or you can't do that...

Enough of that rant... Even though I am complaining, I'm thankful on the other hand that I have been giving this great gift that I can share with others, and those truly irritating places that are willing to let me share my books with others. I'm glad they are available because Lord only knows how hard it is to get fully published by a publishing house. I have written so many query letters to publishing houses and literary agents it's utterly ridicules.

Needless to say I have finally narrowed my choices down to one company to self publish though and I pray I have success with them. Only time will tell as always...

After working countless hours on creating the perfect yet cost efficient book cover for "Love Drug", my very first completed novel, I am happy to say I am pleased with the outcome of my work so far. I am in the process of re-editing it again so hopefully in the next week or so it should be for sale on and other online sites soon after. Paper back will come about a month or so after that for those who would rather have a copy in hand.

For those who have not read any of my work before, I have decided to give a sneak peak of what to look for in "Love Drug". This is by far my favorite of them all at the moment, I think it's because it's my first baby. Every parent has a favorite within their children they just don't admit it out loud. Either I will post the first chapter to introduce you to the main characters or I will just post the synopsis with the book cover to gauge your interest. I haven't decided as of yet which way I will go but stay tuned to find out... CLIFFHANGER BABY!!! ALREADY!


Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Welcome...

Welcome to the wonderful world of reading... 

I remember when I was in elementary school and we had the mainframe computer based reading programs that would read to you in order for you to take a test at the end to gauge your comprehension skills. I was always excited about reading, well correction, I was excited about reading books of interest to me. Romance, horror, supernatural, poetry, and the list could probably go on for a while. The point is reading has always been an enjoyment, writing on the other hand has been a hidden passion. After years of contemplation, I have finally decided to try my hand at writing professionally. 

Writing has always been very important to me and the desire grew stronger in this last year which prompted me to take the steps to become published. Well let me tell you, it is one stressful process and that's putting it mildly. One thing I must toot my own horn about is that I am determined. I WANT THIS!!!  That and the fact that I have one supreme support system backing me. My wonderful husband of 7 years has been a major nudge in pushing me towards the publishing world. I was a little reserved (and that may not be the proper word) about publishing, hesitant is more like it. I was just content on getting my ideas written down versus stuck in my head, honestly. When I say stuck in my head, I mean turning like a movie reel driving me up one wall and down another. My stories are more than just stories to me they feel real at times. I find myself speaking of my characters and story lines as if they are reality. Just for the record the things I write are completely fictitious and have no truth in it whatsoever. Just stating that for the record. 

Okay back to my support system, my wonderful big sister, TJH, has been a great support as well by giving her feedback. She is always there to proof read either an entire book or if it's just an interest letter I plan to send to a publishing company or literary agent. 

Also big ups to my Wattpad friends who always gave me lengthy, detailed feedback on my works; AggieDiva35xxmuahmuahxxlolipopmixGiamoniCooper and that's just to name a couple. So much love from wattpad let me know that I just might make it in this crazy world of writing. Only time will tell and I'm down to put in work to make it happen. 

Much Love ~Nika~